Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Language and Identity

In our social studies theme, we are discussing about communication. I presented a various language to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. My class were very excited trying to sing those sentences in Happy Birthday To You tune. I know that some of them already create a birthday card in 16 languages in their head.

I posted a question to them;
What would happen if all the world using only one language?

Mini raise her hand and answered me;
How would i know where she or he came from? And it won't be fun anymore because i wouldn't know that there are many ways to say Happy Birthday.


Tin said...

weleh...satu bahasa? sama ama yg g sering pertanyakan :P

one world one language...seems impossible deh :)

tapi kalo kata temen g..bisa sih pake bahasa cinta, ti...

CaTLio said...

What a thought! I never think that way. Guess everyday you learn much more there than me here in this so-called well-known university research centre.